2016 ኦክቶበር 24, ሰኞ

tomb lies underground .... #Axumit_Bazen !!

King Bazen’s Tomb ...... @yemaneabadi

According to the chronology of Aksumite kings, Bazen would have been ruling over Aksum at the time of Christ Birth. His tomb lies underground and entered via a man – high tunnel, but it differs from the tombs in the main stelae field in that it is hewn out of rock as opposed to being built from stone blocks. The graves chiseled unto the side of the entry tunnel are probably where Bazen’s family was laid to rest. At the end of the tunnel are two much larger vaults in which the king and his wife are thought to have been entombed. Decrete from king’s tomb is a series of graves carved into the rock, reminiscent of the similar but much more recent graves carved into the surrounding walls of the churches of Lalibela.

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